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LIC's Jeevan Ankur (Plan No. 807, UIN No. 512N267V01)

LIC's Jeevan Ankur (Plan No. 807, UIN No. 512N267V01)
  • Sales Brochure (सामग्री अंग्रेजी में है)
  • Date of Withdrawal : 01.01.2014

    LIC’s JEEVAN ANKUR (UIN: 512N267V01)

    LIC’s Jeevan Ankur is a conventional with profits plan, specially designed to meet the educational and other needs of your child. If you are the parent of a child aged upto 17 years, LIC’s Jeevan Ankur is the most suitable insurance plan for you which ensures that your responsibilities are met whether you survive or not and without depending on anyone else.

    The risk cover under this plan will be on your life as a parent and the named child shall be the nominee under the plan. The policy term shall be based on the age at maturity of the child.

    1. Benefits

    Death benefit:
    On death of the Life Assured during the policy term: Basic Sum Assured shall be payable to the nominee and an income benefit equal to 10% of Basic Sum Assured shall be payable on each policy anniversary, from the policy anniversary coinciding with or next following the date of death, till the end of the policy term.

    On death of child, when Life Assured is alive: On death of the child, the Life Assured will have an option to nominate another child/person and the policy will continue with the same benefit payable to new nominee/legal heirs after the death of the Life Assured during the term of the policy.

    On death of child/nominee after Life Assured’s death: The policy shall continue and the benefits shall be payable to the legal heir(s).

    ii) Maturity Benefit: At the end of the policy term an assured maturity benefit equal to Basic Sum assured along with Loyalty Addition, if any, shall be payable irrespective of survival of the Life Assured.

    iii) Loyalty Addition: Depending upon the Corporation’s experience the policy will be eligible for Loyalty addition on the stipulated date of maturity irrespective of survival of Life Assured.

    2. Optional Benefits: You may choose the following optional riders by payment of additional premium-

    i) Accident Benefit Rider: This benefit is available under regular premium policies only. An additional sum equal to Accident Benefit Rider Sum Assured is payable upon death due to accident. The Accident Benefit Rider Sum Assured may be opted for an amount upto the Basic Sum Assured subject to minimum of Rs. 25,000 and maximum of Rs. 50 lakh (including all policies with LIC of India and other insurers). This benefit will be available only till the age nearer birthday of the Life assured is 70 yrs.

    ii) Critical Illness Rider: An amount equal to Critical Illness Rider Sum Assured will be payable in case of diagnosis of defined categories of Critical Illnesses. The Critical Illness Rider Sum Assured may be opted for an amount upto the Basic Sum Assured subject to a minimum of Rs. 50,000 and a maximum of Rs. 5 lakh (including all policies with LIC of India). This benefit will be available provided the policy matures on or before the Life Assured attains 60years of age.

    Critical Illness Rider can be availed with or without Premium Waiver Benefit. If Critical Illness Rider is opted with Premium Waiver Benefit, then in the event of Life Assured diagnosed with any of the Critical Illnesses covered under the policy, the total future premium in respect of the policy will be waived. The Basic Sum Assured under such policies should be equal to the Critical Illness Rider Sum Assured.

    3. Eligibility Conditions and Other Restrictions(For Basic Plan):

    4. Sample premium Rates:
    Premiums can be paid regularly at yearly, half-yearly, quarterly or monthly mode (through ECS only) or through SSS mode over the term of policy. Alternatively, a single premium can be paid.

    A grace period of one calendar month but not less than 30 days will be allowed for payment of yearly or half-yearly or quarterly premiums and 15 days for monthly premiums.

    5. Sample premium Rates:
    Following are some of the sample premium rates (exclusive of service tax) per Rs. 1000/- S.A.:


    6. Mode and High S.A. Rebates:
    Mode Rebate:

    Yearly mode - 2% of Tabular Premium
    Half-yearly mode - 1% of the Tabular premium
    Quarterly & Salary deduction - NIL

    Sum Assured Rebate:

    Single Premium:

    Sum Assured Rebate (Rs.)

    1,00,000 to 1,95,000 Nil

    2,00,000 to 4,95,000 4.00 %o S.A.

    5,00,000 and above 6.00 %o S.A.

    Regular Premium:

    Sum Assured Rebate (Rs.)

    1,00,000 to 1,95,000 Nil
    2,00,000 to 4,95,000 2.00 %o S.A.
    5,00,000 and above 3.00 %o S.A.

    7. Revival:
    If premiums are not paid within the grace period then the policy will lapse. A lapsed policy can be revived from the date of first unpaid premium and before the date of maturity by paying all the arrears of premium together with interest within a period of five years, subject to submission of satisfactory evidence of continued insurability.

    The Corporation reserves the right to accept at original terms, accept at revised terms or decline the revival of a discontinued policy. The revival of discontinued policy shall take effect only after the same is approved by the Corporation and is specifically communicated to the life assured. Riders shall be revived along with the basic plan and not in isolation.

    8. Paid-up Value:
    Under regular premium policies, if after atleast three full years’ premium have been paid and any subsequent premiums be not duly paid, this policy shall not be wholly void, but shall continue as a paid-up policy for a reduced paid-up sum assured. This Paid-Up Sum Assured shall be payable on the date of maturity or on Life Assured’s prior death.

    Further, in case of death during the term of the policy, the paid up value shall be paid immediately on death. But, neither income benefit nor paid up value on maturity shall be payable.

    Accident Benefit and Critical Illness riders do not acquire any paid-up value.

    9. Surrender Value:
    The Guaranteed Surrender Value will be as under:

    Corporation may, however, pay Special Surrender value, as the discounted value of the Paid-up Sum Assured as applicable on date of surrender, provided the same is higher than Guaranteed Surrender value.

    10. Policy Loan:
    No loan facility will be available under this plan.

    11. Service Tax:
    Service tax, if any, shall be as per the Service Tax laws and the rate of service tax as applicable from time to time.
    The amount of service tax as per the prevailing rates shall be payable by the policyholder on premium(s) as and when the premiums are paid.

    12. Cooling-off period:
    If you are not satisfied with the “Terms and Conditions” of the policy you may return the policy to us within 15 days from the date of receipt of the policy bond.

    13. Exclusion:

    Suicide:- This policy shall be void if the Life Assured commits suicide (whether sane or insane at that time) at any time within one year from the date of commencement of risk and the Corporation will not entertain any other claim by virtue of this policy except to the extent of a maximum of 90% of single premium paid excluding any extra premium (in case of single premium policies).

    1. Single Premium Policies: The Guaranteed Surrender value will be available after completion of atleast one policy year and is equal to 90% of the premium paid excluding premium for optional rider and extras, if any.
    3. Regular Premium Policies: The Guaranteed surrender value will be available after completion of three policy years and atleast three full years’ premiums have been paid and is equal to 30% of the premiums paid excluding the premium paid for the first year and all premiums in respect of optional rider and extras, if any.

सोम, 08 जनवरी 2024 10:07:22 +0000 : पृष्ठ आखरी अपडेट

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