Menu Display
An error occurred while processing the template.
The following has evaluated to null or missing: ==> nav_item.getLayout() [in template "20097#20123#43477" at line 212, column 37] ---- Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, ( ---- ---- FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related): - Failed at: nav_item_layout = nav_item.getLayout() [in template "20097#20123#43477" at line 212, column 19] ----
1<#assign language = locale.getLanguage() />
3theme_display = themeDisplay
4images_folder = theme_display.getPathThemeImages()
8 @media all and (max-width:1367px){
9 {
10 display: block !important;
11 }
13 .nav-section .col-lg-10{
14 padding-left:0px
15 }
16 .top-bar>ul>li{
17 padding: 0 2px;border-right:0px
18 }
19 }
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22 width: 100%;
23 }
24 .homeform .col-md-6 {
25 margin: 8px 0;
26 min-width: 300px;
27 transform: translate(-50%, 0);
28 margin-left: 50%;
29 }
30 .right-padding
31 {
32 padding-right:15px
33 }
34 .ft-mid {
35 padding:0px !important;
36 }
37 {
38 padding:0px !important;
39 }
40 .container, .container-md, .container-sm {
41 max-width: 100%;
42 padding: 0 25px;
43 }
44 .socialmedia1 {
45 margin-top: 12px;
46 padding: 15px 25px;
47 }
48 h2.portlet-title-text1 {
49 margin-top: 25px;
50 margin-bottom: 10px;
51 }
52 {
53 background-position: -1900% -1000%;
54 }
55 }
60 .test a {
61 display: block;
62 }
64 @media (max-width: 768px) {
65 .test a br {
66 display: none;
67 }
68 .siteNav > ul > li {
69 position: relative;
70 margin-right: 0 !important;
71 line-height: 1.5 !important;
72 }
73 }
74 li:has(.my-drop) ul {
75 left: inherit !important;
76 right: 100% !important;
80 @media all and (min-width:991px){
81 .logo-part {
82 width: 200px;
83 }
84 .menu-part {
85 width: calc(100% - 200px);
86 }
87 .top-bar>ul>li {
88 border-right: 1px solid #dedede;
89 padding: 0 4px;
90 }
91 .nav-section{
92 padding:0px !important;
93 }
94 header {
95 padding-top:0; padding-bottom:15px
96 }
97 .header-right {
98 margin-top: 20px;
99 }
100 .top-bar {
101 padding-top: 10px;
102 }
103 .why-lic, .buyOnline, .catagory-search, .why-lic, .calculate {
104 padding: 15px 0;
105 }
106 .overlap-wrapper {
107 bottom: -12px;
108 }
109 }
110 .dr-lang select {
111 border: 0;
112 }
115 .ft-footer ul {
116 list-style: none!important;
117 display: flex;
118 justify-content: flex-start;
119 align-items: center;
120 padding: 0;
121 margin: 0;
122 }
123 .ft-footer ul li a {
124 font-size: 0.9rem;
125 }
126 .ft-footer ul li::before {
127 position: relative;
128 content: '|';
129 padding: 2px;
130 color: #80808070;
131 }
132 .ft-footer ul li a {
133 font-size: 0.8rem;
134 }
135 .ft-footer ul li:first-child::before {
136 content: '';
137 }
139<nav aria-label="<@liferay.language key="site-pages" />" id="navigation">
140<header class="">
141 <div class="nav-section d-flex contentwidth pb-2">
142 <div class="logo-part d-flex align-items-center">
143 <div class="logo">
144 <div class="mobClick1">
145 <span></span>
146 <span></span>
147 <span></span>
148 </div>
149 <a href="/home"><img src="${images_folder}/lic_logo.png" alt="LIC Logo" width="200" height="97"></a>
150 <div class="mobClick">
151 <span></span>
152 <span></span>
153 <span></span>
154 </div>
155 </div>
156 </div>
157 <div class="menu-part">
158 <div class="top-bar">
159 <ul class="list-group list-group-horizontal list-unstyled justify-content-end align-items-center">
160 <li class="brands">
161 <img src="${images_folder}/BBBP.jpg"/> <img src="${images_folder}/glass.png"/>
162 </li>
163 <li>
164 <div class="input-group search">
165 <div class="voice-search" onclick="runSpeechRecognition()" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#voiceSearch" style="display:none;">
166 <!-- <img src="${images_folder}/voice.png" alt="Voice Search">-->
167 </div>
168 <>
169 </div>
170 </li>
171 <#if language == 'hi'>
172 <li><a href="#maincontent" title=" मुख्य विषयवस्तु में जाएं"> मुख्य विषयवस्तु में जाएं</a></li>
173 <#elseif language == 'mr'>
174 <li><a href="#maincontent" title="मुख्य सामग्रीवर जा"> मुख्य सामग्रीवर जा</a></li>
175 <#else>
176 <li><a href="#maincontent" title="Skip to main content">Skip to main content</a></li>
177 </#if>
178 <li class="fontDrop"><a href="javascript:void(0);" title="8976862090"><img src="${images_folder}/whatsapp.svg" alt="whatsapp" /> <span>8976862090</span> <span class="hover-image"></span></a></li>
179 <li><a href="/phone-help-line" title="+91-22-68276827"><img src="${images_folder}/phone-1.svg" alt="phone-no" /> +91-22-68276827</a></li>
180 <#if language == 'hi'>
181 <li><a href="/branch"><img src="${images_folder}/map-ico.svg" alt="कार्यालय लोकेटर"> कार्यालय लोकेटर</a></li>
182 <#elseif language == 'mr'>
183 <li><a href="/branch"><img src="${images_folder}/map-ico.svg" alt="ऑफिस लोकेटर"> ऑफिस लोकेटर</a></li>
184 <#else>
185 <li><a href="/branch"><img src="${images_folder}/map-ico.svg" alt="Branch Locator"> Branch Locator</a></li>
186 </#if>
187 <li class="dr-lang">
188 <@liferay.languages />
189 </li>
190 <li class="icon link font-size">
191 <span class="seinior-citizen">
192 <img src="${images_folder}/wheelchair.svg" alt="disabled - friendly"></span>
193 <ul class="gigw">
194 <li><a href="javascript:void(0);" id="max" onclick="set_font_size('increase')">A+</a></li>
195 <li><a href="javascript:void(0);" id="normal" onclick="set_font_size('')">A</a></li>
196 <li><a href="javascript:void(0);" id="min" onclick="set_font_size('decrease')">A-</a></li>
197 <li><a id="lightmode" href="javascript:void(0)" class="theme-item theme-1 light">A</a></li>
198 <li><a id="darkmode" href="javascript:void(0)" class="theme-item theme-2 dark">A</a></li>
199 </ul>
200 </li>
201 </ul>
202 </div>
203 <div class="header-right">
204 <div class="site-nav clearfix">
205 <ul class="clearfix">
206 <li class=""><a href="/home" class="nav-link"> <i class="fa-solid fa-house"></i></a></li>
207 <#assign home_page_active="active" />
208 <#list entries as nav_item>
209 <#assign
210 nav_item_attr_has_popup = ""
211 nav_item_css_class = " "
212 nav_item_layout = nav_item.getLayout()
213 />
214 <#if nav_item.isSelected()>
215 <#assign
216 nav_item_attr_has_popup = "aria-haspopup='true'"
217 nav_item_css_class = "selected"
218 />
219 </#if>
220 <li class="${nav_item_css_class} has-sub" id="layout_${nav_item.getLayoutId()}" role="presentation">
221 <a class="nav-link" ${nav_item_attr_has_popup} href="${nav_item.getURL()}" ${nav_item.getTarget()} title="${nav_item.getName()}" role="menuitem" ><span><@liferay_theme["layout-icon"] layout=nav_item_layout /> ${nav_item.getName()}</span></a><i class="fa fa-chevron-down"></i>
222 <#assign home_page_active="" />
223 <#if nav_item.hasChildren()>
224 <ul class="child-menu" role="menu">
225 <#list nav_item.getChildren() as nav_child>
226 <#assign nav_child_css_class = "" />
227 <#if nav_item.isSelected()>
228 <#assign nav_child_css_class = "selected" />
229 </#if>
230 <li class="${nav_child_css_class} has-sub" id="layout_${nav_child.getLayoutId()} layout_53300" role="presentation" tabindex="0">
231 <span class="subDropAlt"></span>
232 <a href="${nav_child.getURL()}" ${nav_child.getTarget()} title="${nav_child.getName()}" role="menuitem" >${nav_child.getName()}</a>
233 <#if nav_child.hasChildren()>
234 <ul class="child-menu" role="menu">
235 <#list nav_child.getChildren() as nav_child1>
236 <#assign nav_child_css_class1 = "" />
237 <#if nav_child.isSelected()>
238 <#assign nav_child_css_class1 = "selected" />
239 </#if>
240 <li class="${nav_child_css_class1}" id="layout_${nav_child1.getLayoutId()} layout_709723" role="presentation" tabindex="0">
241 <a href="${nav_child1.getURL()}" ${nav_child1.getTarget()} title="${nav_child1.getName()}" role="menuitem" >${nav_child1.getName()}</a>
242 </li>
243 </#list>
244 </ul>
245 </#if>
246 </li>
247 </#list>
248 </ul>
249 </#if>
250 </li>
251 </#list>
253 <#if language == 'hi'>
254 <li class=""><a class="btn btn-default" href=""> प्रीमियम भुगतान </a></li>
255 <#elseif language == 'mr'>
256 <li class=""><a class="btn btn-default" href=""> प्रीमियम भरा </a></li>
257 <#else>
258 <li class="has-sub"><a class="btn btn-default" href=""> Pay Premium </a></li>
259 </#if>
260 <li class="has-sub">
261 <#if language == 'hi'>
262 <a class="btn btn-default my-drop" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="ExternalLink('');" title="लॉग इन करें" > <i class="icon-icon-6"></i> लॉग इन करें </a>
263 <#elseif language == 'mr'>
264 <a class="btn btn-default my-drop" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="ExternalLink('');" title="लॉगिन करा" > <i class="icon-icon-6"></i> लॉगिन करा </a>
265 <#else>
266 <a class="btn btn-default my-drop" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="ExternalLink('');" title="Login" > <i class="icon-icon-6"></i> Login </a>
267 <i class="fa fa-chevron-down"></i>
268 </#if>
269 <ul class="child-menu">
270 <li>
271 <#if language == 'hi'>
272 <a href="" title="ग्राहक पोर्टल"> ग्राहक पोर्टल</a>
273 <#elseif language == 'mr'>
274 <a href="" title="ग्राहक पोर्टलवर">ग्राहक पोर्टलवर</a>
275 <#else>
276 <a href="" title="Customer Portal">Customer Portal</a>
277 </#if>
278 </li>
279 <li>
280 <#if language == 'hi'>
281 <a href="" title="एनआरआई ग्राहक पोर्टल"> एनआरआई ग्राहक पोर्टल</a>
282 <#elseif language == 'mr'>
283 <a href="" title="एनआरआई ग्राहक पोर्टलवर"> एनआरआई ग्राहक पोर्टलवर</a>
284 <#else>
285 <a href="" title="NRI Customer Portal">NRI Customer Portal</a>
286 </#if>
287 </li>
288 <li>
289 <#if language == 'hi'>
290 <a href="" title="एजेंट पोर्टल"> एजेंट पोर्टल </a>
291 <#elseif language == 'mr'>
292 <a href="" title="एजंट पोर्टल">एजंट पोर्टल </a>
293 <#else>
294 <a href="" title="Agent Portal">Agent Portal</a>
295 </#if>
296 </li>
297 <li>
298 <#if language == 'hi'>
299 <a href="" title="एलआईसी एजेंट बनना चाहते हैं">एलआईसी एजेंट बनना चाहते हैं </a>
300 <#elseif language == 'mr'>
301 <a href="" title="एलआयसी एजंट बनायचे आहे ">एलआयसी एजंट बनायचे आहे </a>
302 <#else>
303 <a href="" title="Want to be an LIC Agent">Want to be an LIC Agent</a>
304 </#if>
305 </li>
306 <li>
307 <#if language == 'hi'>
308 <a href="" title="मर्चेंट पोर्टल"> मर्चेंट पोर्टल </a>
309 <#elseif language == 'mr'>
310 <a href="" title="व्यापारी पोर्टल"> व्यापारी पोर्टल </a>
311 <#else>
312 <a href="" title="Merchant Portal"> Merchant Portal </a>
313 </#if>
314 </li>
315 <li>
316 <#if language == 'hi'>
317 <a href="/employee-s-corner" title="कर्मचारी पोर्टल"> कर्मचारी पोर्टल </a>
318 <#elseif language == 'mr'>
319 <a href="/employee-s-corner" title="व्कर्मचारी पोर्टल"> व्कर्मचारी पोर्टल </a>
320 <#else>
321 <a href="/employee-s-corner" title="Employee Portal"> Employee Portal </a>
322 </#if>
323 </li>
324 <li>
325 <#if language == 'hi'>
326 <a href="" title="समूह ग्राहक / वार्षिकी कर्ता लॉगिन"> समूह ग्राहक / वार्षिकी कर्ता लॉगिन </a>
327 <#elseif language == 'mr'>
328 <a href="" title="गट ग्राहक/वार्षिक लॉगिन"> गट ग्राहक/वार्षिक लॉगिन </a>
329 <#else>
330 <a href="" title="Group Customer/Annuitant Login"> Group Customer/Annuitant Login </a>
331 </#if>
332 </li>
333 <li>
334 <#if language == 'hi'>
335 <a href="" title="ग्रुप मास्टरपॉलिसीधारक पोर्टल">ग्रुप मास्टरपॉलिसीधारक पोर्टल</a>
336 <#elseif language == 'mr'>
337 <a href="" title="ग्रुप मास्टर पॉलिसीधारक पोर्टल">ग्रुप मास्टर पॉलिसीधारक पोर्टल</a>
338 <#else>
339 <a href="" title="Group MasterPolicyholder Portal">Group MasterPolicyholder Portal</a>
340 </#if>
341 </li>
342 <li>
343 <#if language == 'hi'>
344 <a href="" title="सेवानिवृत्त कर्मचारी पोर्टल"> सेवानिवृत्त कर्मचारी पोर्टल </a>
345 <#elseif language == 'mr'>
346 <a href="" title="सेवानिवृत्त कर्मचारी पोर्टल"> सेवानिवृत्त कर्मचारी पोर्टल </a>
347 <#else>
348 <a href="" title="Retired Employees Portal"> Retired Employees Portal </a>
349 </#if>
350 </li>
351 </ul>
352 </li>
353 <#if language == 'hi'>
354 <a id="buyonlineimage" href="/buy-online">
355 <img src="/documents/d/guest/button-hindi-1" alt="buyonlineimage"></a>
356 <#elseif language == 'mr'>
357 <a id="buyonlineimage" href="/buy-online">
358 <img src="/documents/d/guest/button-marathi-1" alt="buyonlineimage"></a>
359 <#else>
360 <a id="buyonlineimage" href="/buy-online">
361 <img src="/documents/d/guest/button-1" alt="buyonlineimage"></a>
362 </#if>
363 </ul>
364 </div>
365 </div>
366 </div>
367 </div>
370 #buyonlineimage {
371 right:0;
372 position: fixed;
373 <!--animation: shake 5s;-->
374 animation-iteration-count: infinite;
375 }
376 @media only screen and (max-width: 460px){
377 #buyonlineimage {
378 top:20%;
379 }
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382 {
383 #buyonlineimage {
384 top:25%;
385 }
386 .top-bar>ul>li {
387 font-size:0.7em;
388 }
389 }
390 @keyframes shake {
391 0% { transform: translate(1px, 1px) rotate(0deg); }
392 5% { transform: translate(-1px, -2px) rotate(-1deg); }
393 10% { transform: translate(-3px, 0px) rotate(1deg); }
394 15% { transform: translate(3px, 2px) rotate(0deg); }
395 20% { transform: translate(1px, -1px) rotate(1deg); }
396 25% { transform: translate(-1px, 2px) rotate(-1deg); }
397 30% { transform: translate(-3px, 1px) rotate(0deg); }
398 35% { transform: translate(3px, 1px) rotate(-1deg); }
399 40% { transform: translate(-1px, -1px) rotate(1deg); }
400 45% { transform: translate(1px, 2px) rotate(0deg); }
401 50% { transform: translate(1px, -2px) rotate(-1deg); }
402 100% { transform: translate(0); }
403 }
406 .gg-n{
407 opacity: 0!important;
408 width: 0!important;
409 }
410 .has-sub i{
411 display:none;
412 }
413 .act .has-sub a.btn.btn-default {
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415 border:none ;
416 margin-left:0;
417 }
418 @media (max-width: 992px){
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420 max-width: 76%;
421 }
422 .act a>i {
423 display:none!important;
424 }
425 ul.gigw {
426 display: flex;
427 transition: none;
428 }
429 .seinior-citizen {
430 background-color: #fff;
431 }
432 {
433 background: #40a9ff5e;
434 border-radius: 12px;
435 padding: 9px;
436 }
437 .has-sub i {
438 float: right;
439 border: 1px solid #72808d8f;
440 padding: 5px;
441 color: #00529c;
442 transition:all .3s ease-in-out;
443 margin-top: 5px;
444 }
445 i {
446 rotate: -180deg;
447 }
448 .site-nav>ul>li ul{
449 transition:none;
450 }
451 .site-nav > ul > li ul{
452 transition:none;
453 }
454 .has-sub i{
455 display:block;
456 }
457 }
461 $(document).ready(function(){
462 if (window.matchMedia('(max-width: 992px)').matches)
463 {
464 $(".gigw").slideUp();
465 $('.seinior-citizen').click(function(){
466 $(".gigw").slideToggle();
467 });
468 $('.has-sub').click(function(){
469 $(this).toggleClass('active');
470 $(this).find('.child-menu').slideToggle();
471 });
472 $(document).click(function(e) {
473 var container = $(".has-sub");
474 if (! && container.has( === 0) {
475 container.removeClass('active');
476 container.find('.child-menu').slideUp();
477 }
478 });
479 }
480 } );
RFP For Onboarding System Integrator (SI) to Implement Endpoint Data Protection Tools
RFP For Onboarding System Integrator (SI) to Implement Endpoint Data Protection Tools
Last modified date : Mon, 16 Sep 2024 10:47:58 +0000
Menu Display
Menu Display
Menu Display
- Swachh Bharat Campaign
- Swavalamban
- Tender –Award
- Tenders
- Terms & Conditions
- Unclaimed Amounts of Policyholders
- Underwriting Philosophy
- Welcome Kit
- LIC Pension Fund Limited
- LIC Cards Services Limited
- LIC Mutual Fund Trustee Private Limited
- LIC Mutual Fund Asset Management Limited
- LIC Housing Finance Limited
- LICHFL Asset Management Company Limited